Minior is a compact waste basket for public spaces, a design with a clear identity. Inspired, formed and created in Småland, Sweden, cast in recycled aluminum. With its smaller size and the flexibility to be mounted to a post or on a wall, Minior is easy to implement in existing as well as new environments. With a friendly round basic shape and sweeping convex and concave surfaces, Minior adds a sense of quality rarely associated with waste baskets. Minior can be cast with a personalised logotype in the front. Minior is the smaller cousin to the larger trash bin Monolit recently introduced. Minior combines precision of production and the care for the user, with the poetry of form and craftsmanship of the production method. The product development of Minior is an example of how to combine modern product development, visualization, integrated detail design in the various parts of the castings, 3D model making for evaluations, and milling the casting originals directly from digital 3D geometries - with the craftsmanship behind the manual casting process, the feel for the aluminium material qualities and Byarum's concern about sustainability and the use of recycled aluminum. The Waste bin Minior is created for durability and sustainability. To be used for a long time in real life challenges (for a waste basket), and along modern architectural preferences.
Minior är en kompakt papperskorgen med en tydlig identitet och en gjuten konstruktion. Med sitt mindre format och med flexibiliteten att fästa den på stolpe eller vägg är Minior enkel att implementera i befintliga liksom nya miljöer. Dess vänliga runda grundform och de svepande konvexa & konkava ytorna tillför Minior en känsla av kvalitet sällan associerad med papperskorgar.Minior kan gjutas med eget sigill i fronten och är det mindre syskonet till den större papperskorgen Monolit. Minior kombinerar precision och genomtänkt handhavande med formens poesi och hantverkets känsla. I det mindre formatet.